ICR Reading
Monthly Planners Power Essentials and Learning Targets
August October December February April
September November January ` March May
Every day we will
Have a Bell Ringer
2 Read Theory quizzes
I can use context clues. (Vocabulary)
I can apply the meaning of newly acquired vocabulary. (Vocabulary)
Read a story aloud as a class and answer comprehension questions.
I can read so it sounds natural. (Reading)
I can use sounds & syllables to chunk unknown words. (Decoding)
SSR (student chosen books) for 11 minutes.
Find words in their SSR book that follow a particular spelling pattern.
I can use sound/syllabication patterns to spell correctly. (Writing)
Read a story about a student choice topic of the day and answer comprehension questions.
I can use context clues. (Vocabulary)
I can apply the meaning of newly acquired vocabulary. (Vocabulary)
Use storyjumper.com for a deeper understanding of what they read.
I can create sentences. (Writing)
I can use sound/syllabication patterns to spell correctly. (Writing)
Power Essentials
I can use context clues to figure out unknown words. (Vocabulary)
I can apply the meaning of newly acquired vocabulary. (Vocabulary)
I can use sounds & syllables to chunk unknown words. (Decoding)
I can use sound/syllabication patterns to spell correctly. (Writing)
I can read so it sounds natural. (Reading)
I can create sentences. (Writing)